The world of compliance is constantly in flux. The increasing weight of legislation and regulations and further globalisation and digitisation of process and communication flows are contributing to this changing world. At the same time, the speed at which these changes are taking place is also increasing. This calls for flexibility on the part of your organisation and your compliance function. When compliance risks are not sufficiently clear or under control, it can have unfortunate consequences. For instance, unintentional infringements of laws and regulations, resulting in sanctions from regulators and financial and/or reputational damage for your organisation. In some cases, executives can even be held personally liable.

Controlling the most significant risks

Effectively structured compliance ensures that the most significant risks are optimally controlled and allows the business to focus on achieving its strategic objectives. This not only requires effective harmonisation of the internal codes, policy documents and procedures but also the consolidation of a compliance culture. It is important that these controls are not merely implemented; ongoing checks on their operation are essential in order to identify possible areas for improvement. Only in this way can your company retain control over compliance at all times.

Responding directly to compliance issues

KPMG will be pleased to help your business retain control over compliance and the associated risks. For instance, we can help you perform compliance risk analyses, conduct assessments to measure the maturity level of your compliance function and support you in further professionalising your compliance management. We act as the external compliance officer for a range of companies in the Netherlands and we provide assistance in the event of unexpected capacity problems. We also offer tailored investigations if there are signs of compliance incidents. That extends from conducting digital forensic investigations into relevant data to investigations of individuals. We can also conduct confidential and targeted interviews. In this way, we will work with you to achieve a higher level of compliance. 

Using the right compliance tooling

We also offer various efficient and accessible digital solutions to support the compliance function. These tools can support your business in controlling compliance risks in an automated manner. Our tooling has been developed with the goal of tailoring it completely to the needs of your organisation. Your compliance employees retain control of how risks are identified and how they respond to them. These tools, linked to the knowledge of our professionals, enable your organisation to identify the correct course in the changing world of compliance.