Chances are, your company is currently in some phase of business transformation. And with the rapid, ongoing changes nowadays, it will continue to be. Hence, in order to keep up with innovation, regulation, risk, talent, and other market dynamics, you need nimble, scalable operating models that are always evolving. To build those models, companies are using managed services. Unlike other types of outsourcing, this class of services goes beyond transactional cost reduction to drive sustained transformation with strategic outcomes. And since as-a-service processes are ongoing, you can get them on a multi-year subscription with predictable costs, remote delivery, and the option to flex up or down to meet changing needs.

According to the KPMG and HFS Research Managed Services Outlook 2023-2024, our recent market study, progressive companies are evaluating providers based on the domain expertise they bring to the table. Companies want managed services that are enabled by tech but lead by strategy and knowledge. Please read all our findings in the report.

Contact us

Caroline Arts
Advisor MarCom, Managed Services
KPMG in the Netherlands

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