Unlock Funding for Your Business Idea

The Feasibility Study Grant Scheme offers non-repayable grants to help eligible enterprises evaluate their business ideas, determine viability, identify necessary resources, and assess chances of success. This grant supports businesses in making informed decisions for sustainable growth.

Benefits of the Feasibility Study Grant Scheme

  • Non-Repayable Funding: Up to €100,000 per undertaking.
  • Detailed Business Assessment: Draw solid conclusions about your business.
  • Resource Identification: Identify necessary resources for execution.
  • Success Evaluation: Assess your overall prospects for success.

Eligibile Areas for the Feasibility Study Grant Scheme

The grant scheme supports feasibility studies in the following sectors:

Health and Well-being

Health and Well-being

Sustainable Use of Resources for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Sustainable Use of Resources for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Smart Manufacturing

Smart Manufacturing

Marine and Maritime Technology

Marine and Maritime Technology

Aviation and Aerospace

Aviation and Aerospace

Future Digital Technologies

Future Digital Technologies

Funding Details and Aid Intensity

  • Maximum Funding: €100,000 per undertaking.
  • Aid Intensity:
    • Micro or Small Enterprise: 70% of eligible costs.
    • Medium-sized Enterprise: 60% of eligible costs.
    • Small Mid-cap Enterprise: 50% of eligible costs.

Aid under this scheme will be awarded in accordance with the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER).

Grant Application Process and Deadline

Cut-off dates are available from now until 31 December 2024, subject to fund availability. Early applications are encouraged to secure funding through the grant application process.

Comprehensive Support Services

Our expert team is ready to assist you in maximizing the benefits of the Feasibility Study Grant Scheme. We offer:

  • Application Assistance: Guidance through the grant application process for a higher success rate.
  • Feasibility Study Drafting: Professional drafting of feasibility studies by our interdisciplinary advisory team.
  • Project Management: Ensuring smooth implementation and management of your project.
  • Reimbursement Claims: Assistance in claiming reimbursement with the Managing Authority.
  • EU Fund Applications: Support in applying for other related EU funding schemes, leveraging your feasibility study findings.

Next Steps: Start Your Application Today

Unlock the potential of your business idea with the Feasibility Study Grant Scheme. Submit your request to learn more about how this grant can support your business or to start your grant application process. Our team of experts is here to guide you every step of the way.

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