Today’s business world and all the challenges it provides require constant innovation to keep abreast. Investment is key to keep up with the game, and this brings about a plethora of opportunities with it. When embarking on an investment project, Maltese enterprises (including companies and self-employed) can benefit from an array of local incentive schemes and EU funding. Assistance can be in the form of tax credits or financial assistance.

These incentive schemes are designed to incentivise investment towards growth and innovation and are applicable to existing and established enterprises, start-ups, as well as companies that are still exploring the possibilities of setting up in Malta.

In order to benefit from the said incentives, an enterprise must satisfy a set of conditions relating to the enterprise itself, the activity of the enterprise, and the proposed investment.

How can we help you?

Our incentive legislation team can draw on the knowledge and experience in this area to provide a holistic service, including assistance throughout the application process, as well as in subsequent compliance requirements, and to be an effective medium of communication with the relevant authorities.

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