The Digitalise your SME grant scheme aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in embracing digital transformation. It offers financing of up to €120,000 for hardware, software, and digital solutions, helping to elevate businesses’ efficiency, productivity and customer experience. An additional 7% are also provided to finance any indirect costs.

What can you invest in?

This scheme allows eligible enterprises to procure digital solutions such as:

  • Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and custom software
  • Hardware (such as laptops, docking station, port replicator, monitors, tablets)
  • Analytical tools (including necessary hardware and software)
  • Cyber security systems
  • Cloud computing
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Big data analysis
  • Quantum technology
  • Routers, switches, and Wi-Fi related equipment
  • Other hardware, software, or digital solutions
  • Installation, including any training costs

Funding details

  • Maximum funding is €120,000 per investment.
  • Part-financing covers eligible expenditure up to 50% of the cost for investments in Malta and 60% in Gozo.
  • Additional 10% aid for projects including specific technologies.
  • Includes an extra 7% flat rate to finance any indirect costs, including consultancy fees.
  • De Minimis aid limit (€300,000 over 3 years).


Application deadline

The final cut-off date is 12 December, 2025 subject to the availability of funds.

How can we help?

Our team is ready to assist you in understanding how this scheme can best benefit your business and guide you through the application process. We can also help you identify the right digital solutions and ensure a smooth implementation.

In addition, our Digital Solutions team can support in the solution design and implementation process.

Next steps

Reach out to learn more about how EU funds can transform your business or to start your application process. We can also support with project compliance and reporting, implementation, as well as in claiming reimbursement with the Managing Authority.

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