KPMG China Desk

China Desk

A bridge between China and Europe

A bridge between China and Europe

Luxembourg - the location of choice for Chinese companies?

Several major Chinese institutions are headquartered in Luxembourg, with more and more Chinese companies setting up in the Grand Duchy every year.

The China Desk at KPMG Luxembourg offers these companies a range of audit, tax and advisory services, and also helps Luxembourg companies expand in China. Our experienced team of a dozen Chinese and non-Chinese professionals are fluent in Mandarin.

The Luxembourg China Desk is part of the KPMG Global China Practice based in Beijing, a global network of China Desks offering market research and experience on China-related topics.

Our services include:


KPMG Luxembourg is a founding member of ChinaLux, the China-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce. Jacques Bortuzzo is Vice President and Head of Events and Communications at ChinaLux.

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