Amanda Gardner

International firm with over one hundred nationalities

A native Californian making a difference in the Grand Duchy

Learn what the company culture and work life balance is like at KPMG Luxembourg

Amanda Gardner

Amanda started her career at an early age working in health and early education full-time while putting herself through school. She worked as a nurse’s assistant and ran after school programs for children in at risk neighborhoods. This work led her to start her own business as a personal trainer and a corporate wellness consultant for tech companies in the Bay Area, California. After completing a pre-law degree at San Francisco State University, Amanda was presented with the opportunity to continue her work abroad—and the rest is history!

Why KPMG Luxembourg?

“Fun fact, my very first time driving into Luxembourg, I saw the KPMG building without knowing what it was, and I was so impressed. I said, “I would love to walk into that building every day!”

When I got my first interview, I was amazed that it was in that same building, it felt like I was in a movie! However, I chose KPMG Luxembourg over other companies, not because of the building, but because they had the progressive culture that I was looking for and I felt that they really valued their people, the environment and the local community.

What I like about KPMG the most is that they are a learning-centric organization. There are endless opportunities to grow your talent, develop a new skill, be involved in an interesting project and learn a new perspective. With the international workforce that KPMG Luxembourg has, there is also a unique opportunity to practice a multitude of languages that you will find in very few workplaces, even in Luxembourg.” 

What do you like about your role at KPMG Luxembourg?

“I oversee the development and monitoring of corporate citizenship activities at KPMG Luxembourg and I also guide the KPMG Luxembourg Foundation sponsorship and community engagement. I am lucky to be able to work across all functions to ensure that our firm is making a positive impact within the community. We achieve that by improving sustainability performance, driving the diversity, inclusion and belonging agenda and fostering an engaging and positive relationship with our stakeholders. What I love most about my job is seeing the positive results for our people and communities. Anyone in any department can bring their passion, skills or creativity to the table and make a difference and it’s really exciting having the chance to empower others to do so.”

What advice would you give to someone considering a career at KPMG Luxembourg?

“My advice to anyone thinking of joining KPMG Luxembourg is: don’t hesitate! KPMG Luxembourg gives you a great opportunity to learn continuously and make an impact. Working here, you get the flexibility and support your need to excel. You join an international network of inspiring people who truly want to see you succeed. You will have a voice, the support you need to grow and, most importantly, you have a community. Be yourself and embrace this opportunity to shine!”

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