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Sky is an entertainment and communications company that provides TV, broadband, telephone and mobile services to more than 20 million people in Europe. As a large, complex organisation, it is important for Sky to plan and forecast its finances effectively, accurately and in real time.

How many Excel spreadsheets are too many?

However, the processes for financial planning and analysis (FP&A) are based on hundreds of Excel spreadsheets spanning many business units and six regions. This previously resulted in a significant amount of manual updating and processes that were not only time-consuming, but also made it difficult to get a single "version of the truth". Action was needed: the company needed a better way to perform financial planning and analysis and a technological approach that would enable fast and accurate reporting and forecasting.

KPMG x Anaplan transforms Sky's financial planning and analysis function.

Find out how KPMG x Anaplan transformed Sky's financial planning and analysis function.

The KPMG team impressed me above all with their experience. They had already achieved success with other projects.

Simon Robson, Group CFO at Sky

Our offer: KPMG x Anaplan

Die KPMG-Mitarbeitenden haben viel Erfahrungen mit dem Bewältigen komplexer Kundenherausforderungen wie die, mit der Sky konfrontiert war. Gemeinsam mit Sky haben wir einen Plan entwickelt, wie Technologien zusammengebracht und eingesetzt werden können. Am Ende dieses Prozesses stand die Implementierung unseres Tools: Anaplan. 

Anaplan ist eine cloudbasierte Plattform, die es ermöglicht, dynamische Prognosemodelle und Dashboards zu erstellen und zu teilen. Seine Fähigkeit, große Datenmengen und komplexe Berechnungen zu bewältigen, gekoppelt mit der nahtlosen Integration in bestehende Systeme, machte es für Sky zu einem der bestmöglichen Tools, um die Aufgaben der Finanzplanung meistern zu können.

An essential piece of the puzzle: the technology

How do you implement an organisation-wide change across six countries and involve multiple teams in the new operational process? The first phase involved establishing a single source of truth for FP&A data, metrics and KPIs. In the process, more than 150 spreadsheets were replaced. The modernisation of the FP&A process significantly reduced administrative tasks. The time this freed up allowed Sky employees to invest more time in strategic and value-adding work.

Our contribution: KPMG in Germany x KPMG in the UK

Our German Anaplan team was brought in to provide expertise in the technical implementation and development of the Anaplan solution. The KPMG team took on the central role of developer and contributed to the successful implementation. In addition, we ensured the efficient and structured implementation of the project using agile project methods. Our Anaplan experts worked closely with KPMG in the UK to design the software and process architecture to drive the transformation of Sky's financial planning and analysis processes.

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