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Consumers order goods online at short notice and expect packages to be delivered, ideally, on the same day. In times of digitalisation, everything is tailor-made around the clock and available with just a few clicks - this expectation has taken hold. Companies act accordingly and align their business strategy "digital first" to increase customer satisfaction. This means: the digital offer is moving to centre stage and is being particularly expanded.

Fast, simple, personalisable: this is what customers expect from the products and services of their financial service providers. Responding to individual customer wishes is therefore no longer optional, but will in future be a key success factor at the heart of your customer relationship. How can you differentiate yourself from your competitors and be successful in the long term?

Integrate the findings from the customer journey - i.e. from the experiences that your customers have in contact with you - into your offer. In this way, you will find out precisely what your customers want from you, where their trouble spots are in their contact with you and where you can improve your approach or your dialogue.

How to increase customer satisfaction

Customer Centricity is increasingly becoming a success factor for you on the way to increased customer satisfaction. Through targeted optimisation, you can set yourself apart from your competitors. In order to understand customer needs, you should collect relevant data and use it in a targeted manner - across the entire customer journey. The technological possibilities for this have a high degree of maturity and are established in many industries. It is therefore important to find the starting point in order to optimise the customer journey holistically.

Data analysis: This is how you find out what moves your customers.

You can use collected data to analyse your customers' wishes throughout all phases of the customer journey - a prerequisite for this is a modern CRM system for data evaluation. We work with you to develop core capabilities and translate them directly into customer expectations:

1. Insight-driven strategies & actions: "I am me and I am unique".

2. Innovative products & services: "Address my specific needs".

3. Experience-centricity by design: "Make our interaction easy and pleasant".

4. Responsive operations: "Don't keep me waiting".

5. Integrated partner & alliance ecosystem: "One-stop shopping - that's what I want".

6. Digitally-enabled technology architecture: "I expect security and stability".

7. Aligned and empowered workforce: "I want to get help from motivated and capable employees".

8. Seamless interactions & commerce: "I want solutions, not products".

With our Connected Enterprise solution you act holistically

To enable you to think and act consistently from your customers' point of view, we have developed the "Connected Enterprise" solution. This comprises five dimensions:

  1. Customers: You engage customers with compelling value propositions, opportunities and interactions.
  2. Digitisation & market dynamics: You digitise your value chain and act flexibly in response to market dynamics.
  3. Employees: You empower your employees to deliver on the customer promise.
  4. Organisation: You connect front, middle and back office into one organisation to achieve your customer growth targets.
  5. Channels & ecosystem: You connect with your business partners and within your ecosystem to meet customer needs together.

We support you on your way to becoming a customer-centric company.

We support you in understanding customer needs and accompany you on your way to the Connected Enterprise. Our Customer Centricity team supports you:

  • in the development of your future-oriented market cultivation (sales & marketing)
  • in the design of differentiating products
  • in setting up your integrated customer care (omnichannel/multichannel)
  • implementing the right technical foundation for you (e.g. CRM)
  • evaluating data across the entire customer journey
  • in the successful creation of the customer experience and employee experience

We support your company comprehensively from a single source - from the analysis of your situation to the development of a strategy, which we then implement together with you in all facets according to our Connected Enterprise Framework.

Together, we will make your company fit for the customers of tomorrow - feel free to contact us.

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