Cyprus Real Estate Market Report - 10th edition

Cyprus Real Estate Report - 10th edition

This edition delves into key economic conditions, aiming to outline an overview of the Cypriot economy.

key economic conditions, aiming to outline an overview of the Cypriot economy.

We are happy to announce the release of the 10th edition of the KPMG Cyprus Real Estate Market Report – The Insights. This edition delves into key economic conditions, aiming to outline an overview of the Cypriot economy. It further includes an assessment of the real estate sector’s performance, while providing invaluable insights into demand and supply, key trends and notable sectoral developments.

Evidence shows that the Cypriot economy not only has rebounded, but also follows a solid growth path maintaining its status as one of the fastest growing economies in Europe. Acknowledging the strong interdependence of the real estate sector with the Cypriot economy, we will continue sharing insights through our expert sectoral report. 

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