Data Protection

Data Protection

The requirements on data privacy and information security are increasing globally which leads to complex compliance specifications.

Data Protection

While it used to be only international companies being affected by these issues, nowadays even small and medium enterprises as well as the public sector are concerned.

We combine our local knowledge and cultural awareness with our international experience and consistent approach, offering our clients practical and economically feasible solutions, with an international perspective whenever necessary.

Through our Personal Data Protection Assessment product, developed with KPMG’s IT Advisory team, we also advise and assist clients in facing challenges in respect of information security and legal data protection compliance.


  • Personal Data Protection Assessment 
  • Data protection design of archiving processes 
  • Outsourcing and data protection agreements 
  • Registration at the Personal Data Protection Commission
  • Data protection policies and internal regulations


Legal services disclaimer:

Legal services may not be offered to SEC registrant Audit clients or where otherwise prohibited by law.


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