KPMG’s GenAI Center of Excellence (‘CoE’) aims to support businesses and government organizations to leverage the full potential of AI and derive tangible outcomes. By collaborating closely with Microsoft, our CoE hub offers extensive cross-functional capabilities, identifying and deploying impactful functional with industry specific use-cases.

Whether you are looking for AI education, to ideate relevant business use-cases or implement AI fully into your systems, we can enable your organizations to adopt AI in a secure and ethical manner.

How can we help

AI Education & Training

We can deliver relevant AI education and training courses, tailored an organization’s specific business roles and personas. We collaborate with leading local and global educational institutions and government bodies to ensure high quality, locally-relevant course content, combined with a holistic and ethical approach to AI adoption.

AI Assessments & Workshops

We can assess AI readiness within an organization, including technical capabilities, infrastructure and culture. We engage in use-case ideation and design thinking workshops to identify impactful and innovative business use-cases for building MVPs or proof of value, with the aim of delivering tangible business outcomes.

AI Adoption & Deployment

We can help build and oversee AI strategies, policies, and methodologies, promoting AI-based best practices and accelerators to influence spending, compliance, and validating impactful AI use-cases across enterprises. Enable delivery and facilitate deployment of AI systems, within a solid foundation of a secure, ethical and trusted framework.



Assess your organization's readiness for adopting generative AI with comprehensive evaluation of current capabilities, infrastructure, and culture. Identify areas for improvement and create an actionable roadmap for generative AI adoption.

Engage in use case ideation and design thinking workshops to identify and design impactful business use-cases for generative AI. Collaborate with deep industry and functional experts to explore innovative solutions that drive value and transformation.

Validate your generative AI ideas through PoCs and MVPs. Our team of experts will help you build, test, and refine your generative AI use-cases, ensuring they deliver tangible results and outcomes that align with your organization’s business goals.

Empower your team with tailored education and training focused on the effective, ethical use, management, consumption, and publication of generative AI. Our training programs cater to various industries, functions, and personas.

Leverage our strategic advisory services to define and implement business strategies for adopting AI. Our experienced consultants will help you navigate the complexities of AI adoption and fully unlock its potential within your organization.



Business, Industry & Functional Expertise

KPMG brings years of expertise in a number of areas, including deep industry knowledge and functional experts across various domains within an industry or business function. This expertise allows KPMG to bring in AI solutions tailored to specific industry and functional business use-cases that can drive tangible outcomes.


Leadership in Data, AI and Analytics Practice

KPMG is an established leader in providing Data Transformation, Advanced Analytics and AI infused solutions to businesses across the globe, partnering with leading technology vendors. This experience enables KPMG to apply tried and trusted methodologies to deliver better ROI on AI investments for our clients.


Global Presence, Reach and Resources

KPMG Lower Gulf, a member of the global KPMG network, has the ability to reach out to 1000s of skilled and deeply technical and business experts from across the globe, based on the specific industry or functional area of our clients requirements. This allows KPMG to have a scalable and high-quality support and delivery model.


Governance, Risk and Ethical AI Frame-works

KPMG’s years of expertise in building risk and governance frameworks for governments and businesses helps to bring the needed regulatory, security and ethical frame-works and thought leadership to AI adoption policies, standards and reference architectures for a truly secure, trusted and ethical frame-work for deployment.

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