At the center of circular thinking is a simple idea: when we switch from a linear to a circular economy, we extend the life of natural resources, while reducing waste and returning resources into the system in a self-sustaining way. For organizations, circularity marks the next step in becoming a truly sustainable business.

Incorporating circular thinking into your transformation agenda can help unlock hidden value and significant benefits, such as:

  • Improved cash flows revenue from circular products, lower costs through circular sourcing and efficiency measures, plus reduced capital expenditure
  • Enhanced access to capital – better access to capital sources and on more favorable terms
  • Employer of choice – better recruiting and retention of talent
  • Reputational value – positive image in the eyes of existing and prospective investors, business partners and customers
  • Competitive differentiator – demonstration of industry leadership, benefit to society, and long-term competitive advantage over peers

Committed to helping organizations take this step and transition to a low carbon, climate positive future, KPMG firms, in collaboration with Microsoft, bring you KPMG Circularity Tracker.

KPMG Circularity Tracker

KPMG Circularity Tracker is a low carbon, future-ready tool built on Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability and the Microsoft Power Platform. It helps automate data collection from diverse sources and performs model-based data calculations using standards, regulatory reporting metrics and universally accepted measurement frameworks for circularity performance – including the Circular Transition Indicators (CTI) from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). With KPMG Circularity Tracker, you can easily organize diversified data sources, reduce the number of manual interventions in circular data processing, and track circularity at various levels, from products and locations to materials and more.

Integrating circularity into your business

KPMG Circularity Tracker can help you if you're looking to:

  • Measure and enhance your circular performance
  • Replace time-consuming manual data collection and processing with an automated solution
  • Monitor circular performance improvement over time
  • Generate insights and transparency in an increasingly complex ESG landscape, including the increasing regulatory drive for disclosing circular performance
  • Demonstrate your organization's commitment to achieving circularity and transitioning to a climate positive future

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Some or all of the services described herein may not be permissible for KPMG audit clients and their affiliates or related entities.

Throughout this page, “we”, “us” and “our” refers to KPMG and Microsoft.

“KPMG” refers to the global organization or to one or more of the member firms of KPMG International Limited (“KPMG International”), each of which is a separate legal entity.