The transport sector contributes over a quarter of the UK’s carbon emissions with road emissions representing over 90%. To make real and impactful change to the sector, transport needs to not only rapidly decarbonise but also do so in a way that ensures more people are able and willing to make use of new, decarbonised transport solutions.

Currently, there are stark differences in how different segments of the population are using, or not using transport systems. There are a myriad of ways the current system is excluding potential users and as a result, missing out on critical revenue and leaving significant parts of the population behind.

In this report, we explore:

  • The modal shift dilemma

  • UK demographic differences in travel choices and constraints

  • How inclusive approaches can work and deliver real benefits

  • Why now is the optimal moment to shake up our transport strategies

  • How KPMG’s Mobility Team can help make a real difference in this area

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The future of transport can only fully achieve its ambitions in terms of decarbonisation, modernisation and efficiency-enhancing if it works for everyone. If it doesn’t, it risks exacerbating existing inequality gaps, creating new inequalities and fundamentally missing out on potential users who feel unsafe, unwilling or unable to make use of them.

For more information on KPMG’s approach to developing inclusive and innovative transport strategies contact Rachel.