KPMG respond to government’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy

New strategy to increase EV infrastructure is welcomed

New strategy to increase EV infrastructure is welcomed

Ben Foulser, UK Head of Future Mobility, KPMG, said:

“This strategy is welcomed, as public electric vehicle charging infrastructure has failed to keep pace with EV sales, leading to geographic imbalances of supply and a deterrence to buying.

“Supply gaps are often best identified at a local level, whilst investment to solve these gaps needs to meet local policies.  It is right to direct funds to councils – who should look to maximise grant value by working in partnership with the private sector to develop portfolios of charging facilities, particularly for lower demand areas.  This will require innovative commercial and financing models to be developed and deployed. 

“Whilst we remain at a stage where grant funding is required to stimulate private investment, we are nearing the inflexion point for mass private sector investment in EV charging facilities.  That is demonstrated by the private funding commitment announced today. 

“Mandatory data sharing is an important part of making sure we maximise the use of both existing and new charge points, identify supply gaps, and also the risk of oversupply.  This will help lower wasted miles driven in search of available charge points.

“The need to ensure reliable charge points is also rightly reflected in this strategy.  But questions remain about how a 99% reliability rate requirement for rapid charge points will be achieved.  Which organisation will monitor this? What will the penalty regime be? How will reliability be calculated? Crucially - how do we ensure that this doesn't discourage investment in charge points?   More details need to follow on this.” 



For further comment or interview please contact:

Steven Reilly-Hii

Media Relations Manager (Industrial Manufacturing, Automotive, and Future Mobility)



T: 07510 376635

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