Frustration and financial challenge, yet reassurance for carmakers

KPMG respond to the November SMMT car production statistics

KPMG respond to the November SMMT car production statistics

Responding to the SMMT UK car registration statistics for November, Richard Peberdy, UK head of automotive at KPMG, said:

“Supply shortages continue to limit the amount of cars produced, and as a consequence it’s no surprise to still see lower numbers of car registrations when compared to pre pandemic. 

Demand for what’s available, both new and old, continues to outpace car supply however.  That’s reassuring for the industry, despite the frustration and financial challenge of not being able to increase supply in order to meet demand.

Electric vehicle adoption is also a huge reassurance during these times.  It’s a key reason why our recently published annual survey of global automotive executives shows that the majority are optimistic about the coming years.” 



For media enquiries, contact:

Steven Reilly-Hii, Media Relations Manager, KPMG,


Phone: 07510 376635


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