Building sustainable digital talent

A skills-led transformation is essential for public service organisations

KPMG Managed Services for Government

Drive a digital skills transformation that meets today’s needs and builds the talent pool for the future

Government and the public sector face an acute digital skills challenge. Amidst intense competition from private sector organisations – who are themselves struggling with skills shortages – there is an urgent need both to attract new talent and drive an upskilling transformation across the workforce.

Government and public sector organisations need solutions that meet immediate requirements whilst also accelerating the creation of a digitally enabled talent base for the long term. Only through this will they have talent self-sufficiency.

There are four key components required to make this happen:



Cultivating talent communities

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Augmenting the talent pipeline with a hybrid workforce mix of contingent workers such as contractors and freelancers, and leveraging internal talent pools.



Tapping into external talent pools

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Managed recruitment solutions for specialised and diverse talent on a longer-term basis, giving flexible access to teams of specialists.



Leveraging technology for automation

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Assessing the opportunities for automation of business processes and supporting the transition to new ways of working.



Building sustainable talent

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Learning curriculums and resources for upskilling, embedded in the flow of work, with clearer visibility of career pathways and development opportunities for all.

KPMG’s Workforce as a Service

Building robust people strategies, which takes an analytical approach to sourcing and focus on deploying the right skills where required, is key. KPMG’s ‘Workforce as a Service’ works with you to develop a comprehensive people and sourcing strategy whilst providing highly skilled resources on-demand, supporting projects and BAU teams - increasing productivity and reducing costs associated with urgent and short-term recruiting and training. An end-to-end solution to your talent transformation.

Workforce as a service diagram

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