Richard Mills

Director, Head of Finance Consulting

KPMG in the UK

Richard is a finance professional who provides a wide range of advisory services in the healthcare sector, having worked in the private and public sectors since 2004. He leads our Healthcare Finance Consulting team and is the lead for KPMG’s public sector Mergers & Acquisitions offer – his focus is around the development and performance issues faced in NHS organisations and health systems, in particular around effecting transformation of corporate services, costing and business cases, and achieving financial sustainability.

Richard brings significant expertise of transforming Healthcare and finance across the NHS, including NHS mergers, corporate service transformation, financial improvement, finance operating model and integration.

He has been advising NHS organisations across the last 20 years, including supporting the establishment of some of the largest NHS providers in England such as Manchester University NHS FT, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS FT, University Hospitals Bristol & Weston NHS FT, Mid & South Essex NHS FT and Mersey & West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS FT.

  • University of Bristol, BSc (Hons) Economics and Politics

  • Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales