James Devine

Director and UK Lead for Health and Care Workforce

KPMG in the UK

Number #1 on most influential HR practitioner by HR Magazine 2024.

James joined KPMG having spent 25 years working in the NHS. During his career, James has worked at Board level both as a Chief People Officer, and a Chief Executive. He was also the joint Senior Responsible Officer for the Integrated Care Partnership across health, care and local authority.

James has worked in complex and challenged healthcare organisations to deliver service improvement. He has extensive experience of designing and implementing improvement strategies, leading change management processes and leading and supporting the delivery of organisational programmes of efficiency such as cost improvement, and workforce utilisation.

James has led on multi-million pound improvement programmes, focussed on addressing long standing financial deficit, workforce shortages and transformation. Other areas of successful delivery have been in quality of care delivery, engagement & culture and patient pathway redesign.

  • Masters Degree (MSc Hons with Merit) in Professional Practice (HR)

  • Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Chartered Member

  • Periods of study with both Cambridge (environmental & social psychology) and Oxford (executive leadership programme) Universities

  • Workforce

  • Performance improvement and operational transformation

  • Cost improvement

  • Service redesign

  • Staff engagement & Culture