• Henry Smith, Associate Director |
1 min read

The days of debating over the merits of regulating Big Tech are over in the EU - new rules are now in place.

The European Commission (EC) has been an active enforcer of competition law against the world's largest online platforms and it will now have another tool at its disposal - the Digital Markets Act (DMA).

In our article, we focus on the practical implications of the DMA and the significant changes that Gatekeepers will need to undertake to their business practices and operations. Despite being characterised as a 'tick-box' exercise, intended to clarify or codify the EC's interpretation of anti-competitive conduct, translating the DMA’s obligations into business practices will require careful consideration and judgement. Economic analysis and data analytics will play a key role when informing Gatekeepers' interactions with the EC and evidencing compliance with their obligations.

The DMA also overlaps with existing competition, consumer and data protection laws. Gatekeepers must therefore think pro-actively about their journey to compliance and ensure that legal, risk and product teams work together and treat this milestone as an opportunity to refresh their risk management framework.

Click below to view the full article by KPMG's Competition Economics team.