Effective cyber controls are much like effective fences. They must be well maintained, encircle the whole perimeter, and be able to block the threats that seek to bypass them. But how can you find out how you are faring on these parameters? Let’s have a look.
There are three factors to think of:
- Maturity (how well the fence is maintained),
- Coverage (what proportion of the perimeter it encircles), and
- Technical effectiveness (how it blocks threats seeking to go through it).
Each factor helps to determine the control’s true effectiveness, so all must be measured accurately. The factors should be measured and scored as a percentage (or a 1 to 5 rating that’s further converted to a percentage) before multiplying all three scores together to calculate the overall, more accurate effectiveness. A control that’s technically brilliant but only covers half the estate will only stop half of attacks at best, while a control with comprehensive coverage but crumbling due to a lack of maintenance will see threats slip through it.