For tax functions, the future looks very different from the present. Global tax regulation is changing rapidly and dramatically – and it’s a trend that’s only going to intensify.
This is making tax compliance more onerous and more complex. Not to mention more expensive: tax leaders we work with are seeing their compliance costs rise by as much as 10 percent.
Broadly speaking, three underlying forces are inflating the tax compliance burden on organisations:
- Digital tax
Around the world, tax authorities are moving to real-time data collection and liability assessment. And each country is taking its own approach to implementing digital tax reporting, with little or no consistency between them. - Post-pandemic recovery
Authorities are looking to rejuvenate their tax take following the economic slump brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. So they’re raising even more challenges and enquiries in response to companies’ tax returns. For tax functions, that means more time and resource taken up collating the data required to respond. - The transparency drive
With ESG high on the agenda – for governments, consumers and businesses – tax authorities are seeking greater transparency of firms’ tax arrangements. They’re also introducing far-reaching new regulations, such as BEPS 2.0 and UK SOX. Complying with these rules will demand robust governance of tax processes.