When your organisation or investment is facing financial distress, you can count on KPMG to help you stabilise the situation, give you all your options for a holistic financial restructuring, and then agree and execute your plan.

Our teams of creative and dedicated problem solvers are single-mindedly focused on quickly and effectively putting you back on the path to growth. Leveraging our global firm’s full range of capabilities and deep sectoral experience, our professionals create unique solutions to your problems, supported by some of the industry’s most innovative tools, enabling technologies and proven methodologies.

Our multi-disciplinary teams are ready to deploy quickly and will move at deal speed to bring you through the ‘value stabilisation’ stage to ‘value creation’ and the path to growth, supporting you every step of the way.

Our global network of Deal Advisory professionals will help you solve complex problems or implement improvements, while guiding you through the key questions that will strengthen your financial performance.

  • Do I have enough funding to keep operating while a solution is being developed and implemented?
  • Do I know what has gone wrong and how to fix it?
  • What sustainable capital/debt structure offers the best prospects of future success?
  • How do I reconcile all stakeholder positions and interests to implement the new debt/capital structure?
  • What will be the role of the alternative capital/debt providers in the solution?
  • How do I ensure that the business is supported through its recovery?
  • How can different pre-insolvency legislation be applied to help to get the financial restructuring agreement in place?

Getting in touch