KPMG assisted Hungary’s state-owned energy group MVM with the acquisition of Czech Innogy retail operations
Acquisition of Czech Innogy retail operations
MVM Group acquired E.ON Innogy retail operations in the Czech Republic. KPMG acted as an advisor to the Acquirer.
Deal Announcement | MVM Group
We are delighted to announce that KPMG provided buy-side advisory services, including financial, tax and IT due diligence and related SPA assistance, to MVM Group, an integrated Hungarian state-owned energy company, in connection with their acquisition of E.ON Innogy retail operations in the Czech Republic. Innogy’s Czech retail arm is the number one gas retailer and one of the largest electricity retailers in the Czech Republic. The transaction was initiated as a remedy in response to the decision by the European Commission in a related cross-European transaction between E.ON and RWE and is further subject to regulatory approvals by the European Commission.
The financial due diligence team was led by executive director Marc Leubner and included senior manager Miroslav Talian, senior manager Michal Maxim, manager Marieta Regi Balint, senior associate Miloš Fleischer, senior associate Andrea Schmidtová and associate Erik Menhart (all from the Bratislava office).
The KPMG team was coordinated by partner Igor Mesensky and associate director Josef Sklenar (both from the Prague office). The tax due diligence team was led by partner Pavel Rochowanski and included associate manager Diana Markova and senior consultant Ivana Kolackova (all from the Prague office). The IT due diligence team was led by director Ondrej Jaros and included associate manager Radka Rohacova and associate manager Jiri Sulc (all from the Prague office).
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