EXIsport secured growth funding from funds managed by Credit Value Investments

EXIsport secured growth funding

KPMG Deal Advisory acted as the exclusive financial advisor to the shareholders of EXIsport in relation to the growth funding from an investment fund managed by Credit Value Investments (CVI).

Marc Leubner

Associate Partner, Head of Deal Advisory

KPMG in Slovakia

EXIsport získalo financovanie od fondov pod správou Credit Value Investments

Operating 32 stores in Slovakia, EXIsport is one of the country’s leading companies in the field of sport retailing with acknowledged reputation and customer awareness. Since its establishment 14 years ago, the company has managed to develop the largest network of small and medium size stores across the country. The company is present in every region and in every major city in Slovakia.

Credit Value Investments is an independent firm based in Poland acting as a professional investment manager of Polish closed-end investment funds and one of the leaders in non-bank debt financing for small and medium enterprises in Poland and CEE region. CVI manages investment funds that invest in corporate debt with various credit risk profiles as well as private equity with total assets under management of more than EUR 1.2bn. For CVI,

EXIsport represents its first investment in Slovakia. “We are delighted to support EXIsport in their ambition to strengthen and further grow its business operations. We believe that EXIsport has good prospects to solidify its position as the leading sport retailer in Slovakia through its coverage, brand, locations and its management team”, said Radoslav Tausinger, Managing Director and Head of the Czech Republic and Slovakia at CVI.

EXIsport, a well-recognized sport apparel retailer, will use new funds to for its expansion through opening of new stores, introducing new brands and boosting working capital levels. “In CVI we have found a great partner to further grow our business. We welcome CVI on board and look forward to our cooperation”, said Peter Vaľo, general director and co-owner of EXIsport.

KPMG Deal Advisory assisted the shareholders through all steps of the transaction including search for the investors and debt providers, financial structuring, and the entire negotiation process. The transaction was signed on 7 August 2017 and successfully closed on 10 August 2017. This deal represents Nr. 6 successfully closed transaction of KPMG in Slovakia in the past 12 months.

More information about the transaction is available in Trend weekly.

About KPMG Deal Advisory

The Deal Advisory practice of KPMG International Cooperative’s member firms (”KPMG”) is a leading M&A advisor in the CEE region according to Thomson Reuters SDC’s 2016 global, European and CEE transaction volume league tables. Also in Slovakia, KPMG is ranked among top M&A advisors. 

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