ORKLA FOODS acquires minority stake in Captain Kombucha
ORKLA FOODS acquires minority stake in Captain Kombucha
KPMG acted as the exclusive M&A advisor to the founders of a fast growing European branded fermented health drinks manufacturer Captain Kombucha, in connection with search and entrance of strategic partner. The global FMCG company ORKLA FOODS became a significant minority shareholder with 43.5% ownership in the Company. The transaction was completed in March 2019.
Captain Kombucha has managed to develop itself as one of the fastest growing beverage brands in Europe with 350% yearly sales growth recorded in 2018. The Company was founded and has been managed by two Slovak entrepreneurs Peter Matuška and Matúš Vaverčák. During only two years’ time period, this functional drink brand with its acclaimed health benefits has become very popular among consumers across Europe and globally. Tea fermentation based drinks are the fastest growing product segment in the global beverage industry with expected market value to reach EUR 2.2 billion by 2022.
ORKLA FOODS is a listed, Norway based multi-national corporation with primary interests in food products, globally employing over 18,000 people. In investing in the Captain Kombucha brand, ORKLA has entered into a new and increasingly popular product. The Transaction reflects ORKLA’s increased focus on healthy and functional consumer products, which, due to the fast evolution of the market and continuous change of consumer preferences and needs, are one of the top priorities for ORKLA. In 2018 ORKLA’s consolidated revenues have reached over EUR 4 billion with a market capitalization of over EUR 7 billion.
KPMG acted as the exclusive financial advisor to the sellers on disposing significant minority shareholding in the Company. KPMG secured an exclusive sales process and guided the shareholders through every step of the transaction, including strategic partner search, commercial contract negotiations up to the successful closing of the deal in March 2019.
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