A shift to e-commerce highlights legal, tax, and trade considerations
Over the past decade, businesses in the Consumer and Retail (C&R) industry in Southeast Asia have continued to adapt their supply chain models to become more resilient, diverse, and sustainable. This has seen them move from single channel to multi-channel and, most recently, to a customer-centric omnichannel approach, with interconnected channel delivery and Centres of Excellence.
But with challenges set to continue, being future-ready is key. These transformative forces include digital developments and disruptions, as well as changes in consumer behaviour as retail shifts to what we call seamless commerce.
However, as businesses home in on their transformation strategies, they would also do well to arm themselves with a deep understanding of the tax, legal and regulatory considerations to ensure compliance and maximise benefits.
As KPMG in Singapore’s June 2024 seminar on unlocking supply chain transformation heard, and as this white paper explains, these considerations link directly to the ongoing trends of supply chain diversification and functional centralisation that an omnichannel approach requires, and incorporate aspects around trade compliance, licensing, and permits.
Having an understanding of the often-complex tax and legal issues, together with adopting a reimagined mindset towards technology and competencies, would help C&R firms achieve their strategic business goals in one of the world’s most exciting e-commerce regions.
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