What do we do in our Design Hub?

We help people grow through a set of courses designed to equip professionals with new skillsets centered around the “new customer”. Based on design thinking, lean startup and agile ways of working, each course has its own combination of complimentary tools delivering more than theoretical concepts. Choose the one that addresses your personal or organizational needs. The detailed description of each class can be found in the brochures below.

Who can attend our courses?

Our classes are designed to suit any professional or customer enthusiast, from any industry or sector of activity. We break down complexity by introducing concepts gradually and presenting them through practical examples. Also, we put to work all theoretical concepts through case studies and team work. 

Introduction to Customer Experience

Customers’ behavior and values are constantly being shaped by the changing environment in which we live. Customers have become more powerful and less easy to predict.

Do you have an unclear view of how customers interact with your brand? Are you unsure of the true motivations of customers and what it will take to shift those behaviors? Have you ever wondered if your organization is spending money on activities that don’t add a great deal of value for customers? Or maybe you just want to expand your horizons and gain new skills. Then, you are in the right place.

Customer Journey Mapping 101

In the context of a constantly changing environment, we need to better understand and address our customers. Customer journey mapping is an important tool that helps to visualize customers' interactions with your brand. It is an effective way to change roles and step into your customer's shoes and see your business from the customer's perspective. 

Do you know the pains, gains and jobs to be done by your customers during the different stages of their journeys? Are you currently investing in those interactions that make a difference? If you want to gain new skills and be able to identify key interactions with your customers, share know-how within your organization and ensure alignment on a future implementation that sparks the change, then, you are in the right place.

Introduction to Employee Experience

Multigenerational workplaces are the new benchmark, so human resource professionals must master diversity management to unlock employees' potential and keep them engaged.

There are companies that recognize the competitive advantage of having happy and engaged employees and invest in their work experience, considering individual needs. These are the companies that become employers of choice and attract valuable people.

We have condensed our multi-year research and hands-on experience into a two-day course in which we will combine knowledge, methodologies, and tools to assist you and your organization in understanding employees, developing new employee value propositions, and increasing engagement and retention.

Want further information or to receive your personalized report?

Please feel free to drop us a line at businesshub@kpmg.com to discuss in detail about our services and registration for our courses!