The KPMG HR Health Check solution is designed to help organizations tackle their challenges associated with the HR function using our Powered HR Target Operating Model (TOM). 

Our solution supports organizations in getting clear insights and understanding in their current HR organisation. Furthermore, helping them in looking ahead and providing actions how to improve their HR organization, going forward. 

During this process, we investigate the maturity of each of the six layers of the HR TOM for your organization. Our KPMG HR Target Operating Model framework includes an online survey integrated with a report out which will give insight in the current maturity of the organization across the six different dimensions. First, this results in a high-level overview of the current and ideal state and provides insights to focus and scope for further analysis. Second, the process continues with a high-level bottom-up design analysis on different TOM layers to identify gaps and potential improvement areas. In addition, areas and scoping for detailed analysis will be done. Third, during detailed analysis we zoom-in and provide an analysis on the scoped areas and TOM layers to gain insights on improvement areas and ideal setup, including pre-requisites for success. Finally, we consolidate findings and prepare roadmap for achieving the envisioned future state in your HR organization.

The HR TOM health check approach is a well-established and tested approach that we have executed with several clients to their satisfaction. The process will take approximately 12 to 15 weeks.

Moreover we also organise a HR Health check in a day which is a light version. 

Want more information about the KPMG HR Health Check? Contact one of our HR experts at the bottom of the page.


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