In an effort to reduce the environmental impact of economic activities going forward, global leaders and industry stakeholders are setting challenging targets to stimulate circularity. These targets are further underlined by regulations and corporate goals to make sure ambitions are achieved. As the transition towards a circular economy is still in its infancy, the increased focus of consumers and regulatory authorities on sustainability will lead to significant growth paired with numerous investment opportunities across the recycling value chain. This linear-to-circular transition wave will cause major shifts in the recycling value chain which will require investments in every step, predominantly in advanced technologies, while new business models will also have to be developed.

This publication highlights investment opportunities within the European recycling space and how to capture and maximise value going forward. We explore the underlying growth drivers of the recycling industry, the challenges different actors in the value chain are facing, which investment opportunities are expected to arise, and how to capitalise upon these opportunities. 

Contact us

Joeri Jägers 
Director, Strategy
KPMG in the Netherlands

Lawrence Bolte 
Associate Director, Strategy
KPMG in the Netherlands

Arnoud Walrecht 
Global Circular Economy Lead
KPMG in the Netherlands

Nick Diver 
Manager Advisor
KPMG Belgium


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