KPMG and Eneco organise this next networking event of our series for emerging leaders in the energy sector. The event focusses on developing a community of peers around the energy transition. The agenda offers a combination of talks and round tables discussions in an informal setting. This interactive approach gives you the opportunity to connect with your peers in the sector and gain new insights.

The focus of the event is “Energy flexibility and the challenges to scaling”. Various aspects of energy flexibility challenges will be discussed in round table sessions such as the technical, governance, data and regulatory constraints. 


Recently, Eneco has connected all its wind farms, solar parks, batteries, and other smaller and larger assets to the Myriad Virtual Power Plant (VPP) platform that it has developed. This is a first: at present, there are no similar VPPs of this scale in operation in the Netherlands. Towards the sustainable energy system of the future, more flexibility is needed to ensure that the electricity grid remains in balance and to become less dependent on the fossil fuels that we currently use for this purpose. Here, a VPP comes into play.


Paul Hendrix, (Managing Director Business Development at Eneco Energy Trade)
Daniel Horn,(Product Manager VPP & Energy Management at Eneco) 

During the roundtables we will examine many different angles of energy flexibility, such as:

  • How flexibility impacts the energy market structure and the players (Energy Markets)
  • What role will legislation play in enabling a decentralized flexibility solutions (Legislation)
  • How to engage people (B2C) and organisations (B2B) in the changing roles around flex solutions (People & Behaviour)
  • How flexibility impacts the energy infrastructure (Energy Infrastructure)


14:00 - 14:30 Welcome 
14:30 - 14:45 Introduction of the event and Eneco 
14:45 - 15:15 Keynote presentation on the Myriad Virtual Power Plant 
15:15 - 16:15 Round table discussions on subtopics 
16:15 - 17:00 Share insights and closing 
17:00 - 18:00 Networking & drinks


Eneco Hoofdkantoor
Marten Meesweg 5, 3068 AV, Rotterdam

Other information

This event is free of charge and invite only. By registering, you will have the opportunity to develop long-term relationships within the industry and embark on a journey to shape the future of the Dutch energy landscape. We hope you will join this regular reunion and share your challenges and successes.  


Please contact us if you have any questions about the event: 

Alexandre Paternoster
Senior Manager | Digital Strategy

Loek van der Wilt
Senior Consultant | People & Change

Jochem Pasman
Director | Digital Strategy

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