Arnoud Walrecht

Partner Sustainability | Global Circular Economy Lead

KPMG in the Netherlands

Experienced project manager in the field of sustainability and environmental affairs. Network oriented, focus on the business case for sustainability.

Specialties: Special focus on sustainability strategy & reporting, sustainable supply chain management, public-private partnerships in major projects. Experience in sustainability (ESG) due diligence in several sectors. Experience in evaluation studies of government environmental, waste & energy programs and policy. KPMG NL leader circular economy. Performed Circular Economy projects in the building & construction/ infra; transport & mobilitysectors and in a variety of sustainable packaging projects.

Sector focus: Energy & Natural resources, Electricity & Gas distribution, Technology, Diversified Industrials, Government & Infrastructure

Also experience in waste/ resource management, building & (infrastructure) construction, public transport, public finance, biotech, agri-/food and dairy.

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