Bas Overtoom

Director Data & Analytics

KPMG Nederland

Bas is a Director within KPMG and has a clear and holistic view on the latest developments within the Data & Analytics domain, focusing on the intersection of technology and business impact. Within KPMG, Bas is co-responsible for creating innovative market solutions where different disciplines (advanced analytics, data management, business intelligence, data visualization, data privacy, etc.) come together. Furthermore, in recent years Bas has gained a lot of practical experience at a large number of multinationals and a number of semi-governmental organizations when it comes to integrating data analytics solutions within these organizations. Recently, in addition to various BI and Advanced Analytics projects, he started a new path with the topic “Trusted Analytics”, helping organizations to maintain quality, control and trust while allowing machine learning and artificial intelligence to play an increasingly important role.

  • New Media, International Economics, University of Amsterdam

  • 'Data Science' specialization, John Hopkins University

  • ‘Fundamentals of Computing’ specialization, Rice University

For any questions or more information