Arjan Ogink

Head of Healthcare

KPMG in the Netherlands

Arjan is a partner in KPMG’s Strategy and Operations practice focusing on large transformations in healthcare and the public sector, mainly related to the social domain (public health, community care, mental health and youth care). In recent years, he has supported projects to decentralize care tasks for central government, municipal organizations and care institutions in the Netherlands.

With more than 18 years of consulting experience, Arjan is passionate about getting strategies working and organizations performing better. He seeks to help clients achieve organizational change to improve quality of care and efficiency within the overall healthcare market.  As payers and providers are digitizing rapidly (in the social domain and beyond), Arjan liaises on Smart Cities and digital strategies projects as well.

Trained as an engineer, Arjan has worked mostly in-service organizations using his analytical and interpersonal skills. 

  • Ir/MSc. Industrial Engineering and Management, University of Twente

  • INSEAD, Global Leadership Program, High Impact Leadership

  • Strategy and positioning

  • Management and funding

  • Social domain (social services design and implementation)

  • Policy evaluation

  • Collaboration in healthcare

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