Marwa Mahmoud

Manager Climate Risks and Decarbonization Strategies

KPMG in the Netherlands

Marwa Mahmoud is a Manager of Climate Risks and Decarbonisation Strategy at KPMG (The Netherlands). She has 12+ years of professional experience in climate change-related topics including industrial decarbonization, climate change mitigation, carbon pricing, climate risks assessments and GHG accounting in both the EU and middle east regions. At KPMG, Marwa provides strategic advice for companies about net zero and decarbonization pathways across their value chains and supports companies on their GHG emissions inventory. She also works as subject matter expert in several GHG assurance engagements across several sectors including finance, oil & gas, fertilizers and electricity sectors. Furthermore, she works on climate risk assessment projects to assess climate-related risks and opportunities, and develop climate action roadmaps towards companies’ initial climate disclosures in compliance with TCFD.

Before working at KPMG, she worked as a climate mitigation policy consultant in the EU focusing on private and public sectors on national and international levels in the field of energy, environment and sustainability. Her working experience in the EU includes working on carbon pricing projects such as CBAM and EU ETS, in addition to climate change mitigation projects and industrial decarbonization. For instance, she participated in the preparation of the study ‘Moving towards Zero-Emission Steel’ which assessed the EU steel industry’s possible decarbonisation pathways in light of the European Commission’s “Fit for 55” package.

Besides, she is a certified national energy expert (by the UNIDO), specialized in establishing and implementing energy management systems at industrial facilities according to ISO 50001 standard. And given her expertise in industrial energy efficiency topics, she participated in the study “The road to energy efficiency” as an expert on industry. She also participated as an Egyptian Local Expert in preparing the country report for Egypt on “Circular Economy in the Africa-EU Cooperation”.

Before moving to the EU, she worked in the Middle East, where she provided services mostly in Egypt in addition to other countries in the Middle East and Africa. She participated in several climate change mitigation and adaptation projects in Egypt and in Africa such as the Low Emissions Development Strategy of Egypt, Adaptation Stock-take of Egypt, several Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) projects, GCF proposals and Clean Development Mechanism Projects. She also worked on different sustainability related topics such as Environmental and Social Impact Assessments, Green Buildings, Solid Waste Management and Sustainability reporting. 

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