Stephanie Hottenhuis

Chair of the Board of Management

KPMG in the Netherlands

Stephanie Hottenhuis (1965) is CEO and Chair of the Board of Management of KPMG since August 15, 2018. In March 2022, the Supervisory Board reappointed Stephanie Hottenhuis for her second term of four years as CEO and Chair of the Board.

She has more than 20 years of experience in the management of organizations in the professional services sector. For the six years prior to joining KPMG, Stephanie Hottenhuis was a member of the Executive Board of Arcadis, where she was responsible for a number of regions, the acquisition and integration of major business units, as well as for the company’s global accounts. Prior to this, she held various international management positions at Arcadis, headed the Europe region and was CEO of the company’s German operations.

In the course of her career, Stephanie Hottenhuis has proven that she can successfully complete large-scale strategic projects and she has a strong track record on fronts such as client focus, increasing sustainability and digitalization. Ms. Hottenhuis is highly valued for her social focus and unifying leadership style. Stephanie Hottenhuis studied English Language & Literature and Business Communications in Sofia (Bulgaria), Leeds (UK) and Nijmegen (the Netherlands).

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