Ted van der Aalst

Senior manager, Financial Risk Management

KPMG in the Netherlands

Ted is a senior manager at KPMG Financial Risk Management. He advises insurers, pension funds and other financial institutions in optimising their risk management, with a specific focus on setting up and validating risk models. With his quantitative-analytical background, he derives great pleasure from tackling complex modelling and valuation issues. In doing so, he has gained extensive experience with Solvency II, in interpreting and implementing the regulations.

In addition, Ted is active in quantitative (enterprise) risk management and risk assessments for both the financial sector and other clients. By using quantitative scenario analysis, the risk framework is used for sound decision-making, both operational and strategic, for example in the field of cyber risks, cyber insurance solutions and climate risks.

  • Actuarial services, Financial risk management

  • TCFD, Cyber insurance

  • Quantitative risk management, Scenario analysis

  • Solvency II, Cyber risk

  • Risk advisory, Climate risk


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