KPMG Learning Academy launches KPMG’s Learning Suites
KPMG Learning Academy launches KPMG’s Learning Suites
KLA announces the launch of the KPMG’s Learning Suites, a concept designed to assist professionals to develop training pathways for continuous professional development.
KPMG Learning Academy announces the launch of the KPMG’s Learning Suites; a concept designed to offer a range of seminars in an array of disciplines to assist professionals in developing training pathways that address their continuous development needs. Each Learning Suite addresses a specific area or industry and includes targeted sessions as well as generic ones. KPMG’s Learning Suites vary from ever-evolving industries such as gaming, transport, banking and insurance, to others delving into specialised areas such as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), taxation, talent management, automation and strategy. They provide a fully-fledged upcoming plan of seminars combining an extensive amount of subject-matter expertise delivered both by the firm’s own specialists as well as other professional external tutors.
All seminars within the Learning Suites qualify for Continuous Professional Education (CPE) hours (either Core or Professional Competencies) and will run regularly, as from September onwards. Method of delivery will vary between live online interactive sessions to face-to-face sessions (where possible).
In order to allow maximum flexibility, seminars can be booked individually from within the same Learning Suite or across other Learning Suites. A ‘Certificate of Attendance’ will be given for each individual seminar attended. Moreover, at the end of a calendar year, a record listing the specific training seminars attended and the hours of training undertaken will be provided. This record provides the professionals with a summary of the specific areas in which they have specialised over the previous twelve months. By acknowledging flexibility in the selection of seminars across diverse Learning Suites, the KPMG Learning Academy aims to provide professionals with the possibility to experiment and diversify their training programmes while still getting recognition for their continuous professional development.
By booking for seminars within the Learning Suites, attendees are also entitled to several benefits. For instance, for every 3 seminars booked (individually or as a batch), they will be entitled to a 40% off their next seminar.
Each seminar entitles attendees for a number of KPMG Loyalty Rewards. The Loyalty Rewards awarded for each seminar will be clearly identified within each course and will take into consideration the hours of training and the cost of the seminars. After collecting 60 Loyalty Rewards, attendees will be entitled to a free CPE seminar of their choosing. Once a whole cycle of Loyalty Rewards is completed (i.e. after collecting 60 Loyalty Rewards), one can start a new one. The entire value benefit from this package converts to an overall price reduction equivalent to 15% on all CPE courses attended.
Additionally, professionals actively involved in the KPMG Learning Suites are entitled to a complimentary pass to a conference organised by KPMG Malta.
KPMG in Malta, one of the leading providers of audit, tax and advisory services, inaugurated its own Learning Academy back in 2018. Since then, it has been offering diverse educational and training programmes such as ACCA Live Online lectures through Kaplan, one of the world’s largest education provider, as well as other IT, accounting, financial and gaming courses.
For more details, contact or 25636363 / 99636363, and visit KPMG Learning Academy to check out upcoming seminars.
© 2025 KPMG, a Malta civil partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International, a Swiss cooperative. All rights reserved.
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