KPMG goes on a figolli frenzy

KPMG goes on a figolli frenzy

Article Posted date2 April 2015

A full day of baking 102 figolli at St. Paul’s Missionary College in Rabat, all in aid of charity.

figolli easter

On Saturday 28th’ March, KPMG members of staff, family and friends enjoyed a full day of baking 102 figolli at St. Paul’s Missionary College in Rabat, all in aid of charity. The kitchen facilities for this purpose were kindly offered on the day once again. The figolli were bought by KPMG staff and friends and the amount raised was 714 Euro. The proceeds collected shall be donated to FACES which is a registered voluntary organisation, set up in Malta in February 2003. As an organisation, it aims to better the quality of life of individuals who due to poverty, displacement and other adverse situations are unable to access vital services such as health care and education. Through the provision of these services they aim to supply these underprivileged individuals with the opportunities necessary to realise their potential as human beings.

© 2025 KPMG, a Maltese civil partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

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