IFRS 15 Revenue – Are you good to go?

IFRS 15 Revenue – Are you good to go?

Practical guidance to help you drive your implementation project to the finish line

Practical guidance to help you drive your implementation project to the finish line

Getting to the finish line

In a matter of months, the new revenue recognition standard – IFRS 15 – will change the way that many sectors account for sales contracts.

We want to help you drive your implementation project to the finish line. So, we’ve launched Are you good to go? – a series of publications covering a dozen sectors, outlining the key considerations that you need to focus on.

We're releasing our sector-specific SlideShares on a regular basis from the start of April. Look out for our insights for your industry. 


Also available...

  • Our IFRS 15 transition toolkit page will help you understand the new requirements and decide which transition option to use – it also provides illustrative disclosures.
  • Our IFRS blog provides topical insight and discussion, and practical guidance to help you implement the new IFRS accounting standards.



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