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KPMGのインテリジェント・オートメーションのグローバルリーダーであり、米国におけるデジタル・ケーパビリティーズのリーダーであるCliff Justiceは、次のように述べています。「この危機は、全ての産業に等しく影響を与えているものではありませんが、危機に直面している多くの産業にとって、デジタル・ビジネスモデルへの移行は不可欠です。しかし、投資の重要性を理解しつつも、手元資金の水準を維持しなければならない時には、投資の実行は非常に難しいことです」


以上の結果からCliff Justiceは、次のように述べています。「エマージングテクノロジーや新たな働き方は、デジタル経済への変換において重要な役割を果たすでしょう。エマージングテクノロジーは、お客さまや株主からの信頼を維持し、リモートで働く従業員の生産性を保ち、ビジネスそのものをより堅固なものとし、ビジネスディスラプションに備え、未来の商品やサービスの革新への強固な基盤を構築し、企業活動を力強く下支えするものです」




  • 新型コロナウイルス感染が拡大する中、エマージングテクノロジーへの投資が「大幅に増加」すると予想した回答者は13%
  • 最も高額の投資を行っている企業は、最も低額の企業より大きな利益を獲得。実際に、投資額が上位4分の1に入る企業は既に確実な利益を得ていると返答する確率が高い
  • 回答者の約65%が、ひとつのエマージングテクノロジーより複数のテクノロジーを組み合わせた投資がより有益だと考えている。「AI」や「クラウド」は、基礎テクノロジーとして浮上しており、全てのテクノロジーソリューションの1/3以上に含まれている

以上の結果からCliff Justiceは、次のように述べています。「企業が中長期的に成功を収めるためには、エマージングテクノロジーへの投資を賢く実行する必要があります。一方、投資を見合わせる企業は、存亡の危機に瀕する恐れもあると考えています」



KPMGジャパンでソリューションズのパートナーを務めるTim Denleyは、次のように述べています。「このパンデミックは、日本企業のテクノロジーに対する考え方や注力分野に大きな変化をもたらしました。そして多くの場合、最も価値を生み出す分野に再び集中するきっかけとなっています。全世界で不確実な状況が続く中、企業はクラウド、AIや自動化などのコアテクノロジーに対する投資を倍増し、さらに加速させています。」




  • 日本企業は、テクノロジーのビジネス存続への必要性を重視しながら、他国と比較すると、プロセスの改善、インフラの改新やコスト削減をより意識し、テクノロジーへの投資を推進
  • 日本企業は、他国の企業よりも、スマート・アナリティクスの価値を重視
  • コンテナ化などのクラウド技術分野は発展しているが、マルチクラウド、データプラットフォームやアナリティクスの完成度は評価していない。投資額とその創出価値に関わらず、自社のデータテクノロジーに対する評価は、世界平均に比べると高くない






KPMGは、監査、税務、アドバイザリーサービスを提供するプロフェッショナルファームのグローバルネットワークです。世界147ヵ国のメンバーファームに約219,000名のプロフェッショナルを擁し、サービスを提供しています。KPMGネットワークに属する独立した個々のメンバーファームは、スイスの組織体であるKPMG International Cooperative(“KPMG International”)に加盟しています。KPMGの各メンバーファームは法律上独立した別の組織体です。


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KPMG Ignition Tokyo
Marketing & Communications

Companies shift emerging tech investments amid COVID-19: KPMG research

Business survival emerges as the number one reason to invest in emerging technologies as executives reevaluate strategic priorities

In the immediate wake of COVID-19, Global 2000 companies moved to slash funding for emerging technologies, such as automation, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and 5G, according to new KPMG International research. However, many executives are optimistic emerging technology spending will likely increase in the next 12 months, as enterprises recognize COVID-19 creates a burning platform to accelerate digital transformation and stimulate long-term growth.

The new report, a collaboration between KPMG International and HFS Research, Enterprise Reboot, surveyed 900 technology executives to explore the current and future state of emerging technologies and demonstrates a dramatic shift in how businesses are approaching emerging technology now versus just a few months ago before the onset of COVID-19.

“This crisis isn’t affecting all industries equally, but for many of the industries facing crisis, managing the transition to a digital business model is imperative. However, doing so is made more complicated in a time where investments are critical, but cash must be preserved,” said Cliff Justice, KPMG global lead for Intelligent Automation and US lead for Digital Capabilities.

Specifically, 59 percent of executives surveyed say that COVID-19 has created an impetus to accelerate their digital transformation initiatives, yet approximately four in 10 say they will halt investment in emerging technology altogether as a result of COVID-19. Executives have shifted their focus to must-have technologies, and 56 percent of those surveyed say cloud migration has become an absolute necessity due to COVID-19.

However, investments in a number of emerging technologies will likely increase over the next year, such as 5G (44 percent of respondents expect spending to increase compared to 26 percent who expect spending to decrease); process automation (43 percent expect an increase compared to 25 percent who expect a decrease); AI (39 percent versus 31 percent); hybrid cloud and/or multi-cloud (38 percent versus 28 percent); blockchain (34 percent versus 30 percent); edge computing (34 percent versus 33 percent) - with the exception of smart analytics (32 percent versus 35 percent).

“Emerging technologies and new ways of working can play a significant role in the transformation to a more digital economy. These technologies are helping companies maintain customer and stakeholder trust, keep remote workforces connected, ensure their business is resilient and prepared for disruptions, and build a strong foundation for future product and service innovation,” Justice said.

The case for emerging tech

Fifty-seven percent of respondents say COVID-19 has significantly changed their organization’s strategic priorities. The immediate focus is now on survival, which has become the number one objective for most emerging technology investments. The first phase of KPMG research showed that many organizations were deterred from significant emerging technology investment because of obstacles in the organizational culture to enterprise-wide adoption, and a fear that projects will fail. Since the onset of COVID-19, respondents in the second phase of research are more focused on making a strong business case for existing technology investments.

Other key findings include:

  • Only 13 percent expected to “significantly increase” investments in emerging technologies amid COVID-19.
  •  Organizations making the highest investments see greater returns than those making the smallest; in fact, those in the highest quartile of investments were significantly more likely to say they have already realized tangible value.
  • Nearly 65 percent of respondents believe that the combined use of emerging technologies is much more beneficial than using any of the technologies in isolation. “AI-powered” and “cloud-enabled” are emerging as the foundation and are featured in more than one-third of all technology solutions.

“Now more than ever, companies need to make smart investments in emerging technologies if they are to prevail in the medium- to long-term. Companies who don’t, risk threatening their own survival,” Justice said.

Japanese enterprises’ technology investment

Enterprises in Japan clearly see the importance of technology investment and are spending more in all categories than companies in rest of the world — particularly in smart analytics where spend is double the global average. Average spending/investment specifically assigned to disruptive technology is higher in Japan than Globally and expected growth is also slightly higher. However, biggest issues preventing technology initiatives delivering value in Japan are lack of C-Suite commitment, need to build business case and culture/change issues.

“The pandemic has driven a huge change in the perspective and focus around technology of Japanese enterprises. For the most part, it’s helping refocus efforts in the places that will have the most value. Enterprises in global are doubling down and even accelerating investments in core technologies such as cloud, AI, and automation given the uncertainty of the environment right now” said Tim Denley, Partner in charge of Solutions for KPMG in Japan.

Investments in emerging technologies are essential to ensure future survival

Investments in emerging technologies are essential to ensure future survival

Other key findings of Japan

  • Japanese respondents aren’t driven to technology because it is essential to business survival - at least compared to global data - they are driven by process improvement, the need to modernize infrastructure and cost reduction.
  • Japanese respondents see more value generated from smart analytics currently compared with organizations in the rest of the World.
  • Strong level of maturity for technical areas of cloud like containerization, but less interest in multi-cloud. This is the same for data platforms and analytics - in spite of the investments and value generated - Japanese businesses don’t perceive maturity as strongly in data as the Global average

Survey methodology

In March-June 2020, KPMG International and HFS Research conducted two global, cross-industry quantitative surveys. Comprised of 900 total technology executives, the surveys sought to uncover investment and adoption of emerging technology. All respondents held executive-level positions at Global 2000 enterprises with $1B+ annual revenue, operating across nine business sectors and nine countries, including the U.S., Germany, U.K, Netherlands, Japan, Australia, India, France, and Canada. Survey data was supplemented by qualitative interviews with enterprise leaders who oversee the investment and adoption of these emerging technologies in their organization.

About KPMG International

KPMG is a global network of professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We operate in 147 countries and territories and have 219,000 people working in member firms around the world. The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes itself as such.

About KPMG Japan

KPMG Japan is the collective term for KPMG International’s member firms in Japan, comprising eight professional member firms in the areas of Audit, Tax, and Advisory. KPMG Japan is committed to providing value-added services to address our clients’ management issues through cooperation with our professionals’ expertise and skills, as well as with the KPMG Global network.
KPMG Japan member firms include:
KPMG AZSA LLC, KPMG Tax Corporation, KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd., KPMG FAS Co., Ltd., KPMG AZSA Sustainability CO., Ltd., KPMG Healthcare Japan Co., Ltd, KPMG Social Insurance and Labor Advisors Corporation, and KPMG Ignition Tokyo


Taketsugu Abe and Masaki Asanuma
KPMG Ignition Tokyo Marketing & Communications

© 2025 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. © 2025 KPMG Tax Corporation, a tax corporation incorporated under the Japanese CPTA Law and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. 

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