KPMG Fraud Intelligence Platform is a feature rich offering that includes integration with many existing ERPs. The offering includes a built-in data analytics engine that is tuned to identify and alert businesses about potentially suspicious transactions. It also includes a multi-user review portal, as well as visualisation and reporting tools.

This process and sector agnostic offering can be customized and implemented for various business processes such as sales, procurement, finance, human resources, and logistics etc.

Need for KPMG Fraud Intelligence Platform

Ease of access to technology has resulted in increased use of automated offering producing copious amounts of data, which can make organisations susceptible to fraud and white-collar crime. This is mainly due to:

  • Lack of internal controls or insufficient manpower to analyze large datasets generated by disparate data sources
  • The complex, time-consuming and reactive nature of traditional approach of linking and analysing multiple data streams using varied business intelligence tools to identify potential anomalies. 

Proactive fraud analytics offering like KPMG Fraud Intelligence Platform can aid in the integration of such diverse data sources, as well as the analysis of underlying transactions to detect possible fraud cases, thereby preventing suspicious activities at a nascent stage in the business process, while also offering an enhanced user experience.

How can KPMG Fraud Intelligence Platform help your organisation?

KPMG Fraud Intelligence Platform

Why KPMG Fraud Intelligence Platform?

Complete customization Enterprise data lake
On demand investigations/proactive detection Integration of multiple business processes
  • No ‘one size fits all’ approach
  • Assess client’s targeted processes and procedures
  • Develop client specific process fraud risks along with in-built fraud scenarios coded into the offering.
  • Centralised data lake from client’s internal data sources
  • Enrich and cleanse data for meaningful data
  • Leverage as data marts for on-demand analytics.
  • Sector agnostic offering based on experience
  • Ready offering for an ongoing investigation or proactive fraud detection
  • Actionable insights for quicker remediation and decision-making using case management.
  • Procurement to pay
  • Order to cash 
  • Travel and entertainment 
  • Anti-bribery and anti-corruption
  • Marketing and advertising spend
  • Custom analytics such as Gate inward analysis, logistics, scrap sales.

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