Tax risk management and implementation of your tax strategy

A properly implemented tax risk management framework helps tax functions achieve its objectives, ensures that the Board's tax policy is complied with, supports the timely identification of strategic, business, and operational tax risks and opportunities, and provides justified trust to internal and external stakeholders (including regulators) on the effective management of tax affairs.

In this session, we will present KPMG's approach to implementing a tax risk management framework and how it fits within a tax function's operating model and as part of a company's wider enterprise risk management system.

This breakout session is targeted companies looking at expanding their tax control framework, evidencing the implementation of their tax policy, entering into cooperative compliance agreements, or wishing to strengthen their internal and external reporting process.

Topics covered in #3 breakout session:

  • Identifying and managing strategic, business, and operational tax risks and opportunities
  • Implementing a tax risk management framework to meet objectives and comply with the business tax policy
  • Enhancing tax control frameworks, cooperative compliance agreements, and reporting processes
  • KPMG's approach to integrating tax risk management within a company's operating and risk management models.

Target audience

  • Heads of Tax
  • Tax professionals
  • Tech professionals.


  • Plenary.

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