Tax credits & incentives: Funding your sustainability strategy

Sustainability commitments and ESG strategies set a lot of new obligations for companies and tax functions – and create massive funding needs.

Thankfully, the tax function can play a key role in this funding aspect, as governments across the world, and the EU and US in particular, are putting billions of funding opportunities, tax incentives, tax breaks, to direct private investment where it is most needed.

The tax function can thus identify and unlock these opportunities, to support their companies’ sustainability commitments, in line with their tax strategy. 

Topics covered in #5 Breakout session:

  • Incentives and funding opportunities, in Europe, the US, and beyond
  • How can the tax function identify and unlock these funding opportunities?
  • Responsible tax and the use of incentives
  • Reporting on your use of incentives.

Your outcome

You will gain insights into:

  • Funding and incentives opportunities around the world
  • The role of the tax function in unlocking these opportunities
  • How it fits with companies’ policies towards the use of incentives
  • Considerations regarding the public disclosure of these incentives.

Target audience

  • Heads of Tax
  • Tax professionals
  • CFOs
  • Heads of sustainability
  • Sustainability teams.

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