Optimizing return on investment during the build-phase involves effectively managing costs and ensuring timely completion of tasks.

Your key questions, challenges and objectives

  • How to integrate different delivery methods and custom / free trade zones requirements in inbound logistics processes?
  • How can logistic service provider models (3PL/4PL) be integrated in the IT-landscape?
  • How is my logistic design affecting the balance sheet?
  • How can transparency be achieved over my whole inbound supply chain?

How we support

  • Development and implementation of tech-specific process models, including KPIs, roles and integration points
  • Rollout and customization to local legal requirements
  • Development and customization of logistics inbound, and line supply process models based on system-specific process models (e.g. SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, etc.)
  • Ramp-up support and process governance implementation via process mining

Examples of relevant credentials

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