Optimizing return on investment during the build-phase involves effectively managing costs and ensuring timely completion of tasks.

Your key questions, challenges and objectives

  • What steps can be taken/are required to ensure compliance with customs/export control regulations?
  • What measures can be taken to save duties or facilitate customs procedures?
  • How is the customs value calculated?
  • Are there import and export restrictions, e.g. Russia Sanctions, which are relevant for the companies' transactions?

How we support

  • Ad hoc support/interim support/project support for questions relating to Trade and Customs by well experienced local staff and our global network of customs experts
  • Our new tool Trade Data Check analyzes customs data to provide transparency and identify coherence issues
  • Analyzing your organizational customs/export control set up allows us to provide individual benchmarking, concrete and detailed recommendations for the (re-) design of processes based on your individual requirements and needs, but also recommendations in the form of quick wins

Examples of relevant credentials

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