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You are interested in the German marketplace and would like to know more about Germany as a business location? What are the challenges when doing business in Europe’s largest economy and which opportunities does Germany provide going forward?

Business in Germany is an English-language publication released quarterly that provides relevant insights into the economic development of Germany and discusses how this translates into operational change of multinational organizations. As necessary, we provide updates on recent regulatory developments, taxation, as well as finance.  

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Current Issue

KPMG Business in Germany Newsletter - July 2024 - Preview

Current topics of the issue:

  • Economic Key Facts Germany - July 2024
  • Greenfields on the rise in Germany: Why did international investors decide to invest billions of euros in Germany?
  • How can Germany’s transition to sustainable energy succeed? Practical insights from two big international energy groups
  • US Business in Germany: How US investors rate Germany as a business location
  • M&A Insights: Understand the developments and trends in the German M&A market
  • One year of the supply chain act: What conclusions can be drawn from the LkSG inspections in companies?
  • Implications of the growth opportunities act (“Wachstumschancengesetz”)