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KPMG has been named a 'Leader', the highest designation possible, in The Forrester Wave™: Customer Experience Strategy Consulting Services, Q4 2024 report.

Forrester evaluated 12 firms, assessing them in three categories: Strategy, Current Offering, and Customer Feedback. KPMG was among the top three highest scores on the ‘strategy’ and ‘current offering' axis out of all the vendors evaluated by Forrester, citing KPMG as a “good fit for organizations looking for a transformation partner with broad and deep industry expertise.”

Forrester also noted in the report that the referenced clients were “pleased with the level and speed of KPI improvement resulting from their engagements,” and KPMG’s ability to “translate and apply best practices from other industries.”

The Forrester report notes “KPMG’s CX practice has made significant financial investments to advance its AI capabilities,” and specifically the firm’s strengths in upfront analytics and insights generation from marketplace analysis, customer research and its industry expertise.”

KPMG was recognized for its ability to work with clients across the globe, with “dozens of ignition centers, insight centers, and innovation labs spread across the globe” that connect clients locally and regionally with insights and innovation that will speed up their transformations.

"This award is a testament to our commitment to understanding customer needs, exceeding expectations, and driving innovation with a human-centric approach, says Jeff Mango, Managing Director, CX Lead, KPMG in the U.S. Built on KPMG’s Six Pillars of Customer Experience Excellence, our approach demonstrates how technologies like AI and Gen AI can be integrated to complement – and not overshadow – the essential human touch in delivering exceptional customer experiences."

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Source: The Forrester WaveTM: Customer Experience Strategy Consulting Services, Q4 2024

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