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Benefits of register modernisation

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Cost savings and increased efficiency

According to the IT Planning Council, register modernisation can generate a total annual benefit of 6.3 billion euros. In addition to a further 0.6 billion euros per census, this indicates considerable cost savings and efficiency gains. In fact, the National Regulatory Control Council estimates that modern registers can reduce the time required to process administrative services by 59 per cent.

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Backend integration and once-only principle

Register modernisation addresses the often neglected back-end integration and enables seamless implementation of the once-only principle. This means that citizens and companies only need to submit one application to utilise several administrative services. This takes the user experience to a new level and minimises bureaucratic effort.

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Cross-register identity management

Comprehensive identity management enables reliable and automated data exchange between different authorities. This not only simplifies administration, but also increases data security.

Overall register modernisation project (RegMo)

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Possibilities for participation

The project offers federal states, municipalities and districts the opportunity to participate in the form of pilot projects. This allows them to take part in trialling the connection of registers and thus gain practical experience.

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Financial support

Participants can receive financial support for their implementation projects. Our expertise is available to effectively support the process.

Register modernisation is therefore a central pillar of administrative modernisation and is essential for the implementation of the Online Access Act (OZG) and the European SDG Regulation. It offers enormous opportunities for increased efficiency, cost savings and improved citizen friendliness.

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