Local rail passenger transport (SPNV) is one of the main pillars of the German transport transition and is indispensable for a sustainable and future-proof mobility infrastructure. The introduction of the Deutschlandticket has once again shown how important an attractive regional mobility offer is.
But how can the economic viability of regional rail transport be guaranteed and how can the challenges faced by public authorities, transport associations, railway companies, manufacturers and financiers in the complex field of tension of regional rail transport be overcome?
Our new brochure "Economic viability of regional rail transport projects" offers a comprehensive insight into the hurdles, strategies and solutions for regional rail transport.
Capacity bottlenecks and external influences
The German rail network is reaching technical capacity limits, which is affecting the reliability of local rail passenger transport. Rising inflation and high interest rates are increasing uncertainty for rail transport companies and lessors.
Lack of experience with battery-electric and hydrogen-based trains
In addition, the sustainable operation of non-electrified networks using battery-electric and hydrogen-based trains is being sought, but there is still a lack of long-term experience regarding the long-term use, reliability and energy supply of these vehicles.
Marketable structures are needed
In order to meet the requirements of the various stakeholders, capacities should be further expanded and sustainability in the rail sector promoted. It is important to create marketable structures in order to ensure attractive competition and distribute risks fairly.
At the same time, costs must be reduced and processes must be well managed to ensure an efficient and economical service. The coronavirus pandemic has also shown how important it is to be resilient to external shocks.
In this brochure, we show how marketable structures can be created to make rail transport attractive.
Dr. Steffen Wagner
Partner, Deal Advisory, Head of M&A, Head of Transport & Leisure
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Daniel Peitsch
Director, Advisory
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft